Claire Donnelly

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Its not 9-5, its whatever it takes.

Its 2013 and and the average individual holds down many jobs at once, becaus ethats what you have to do in this econmy, whether you need the money like most of us broke students do, or you simly need to make a presence for yourself.
You need to egt out there, network and showcase your talents, and procrastination (facebook) gets you no where. simply because you need to use everything to your advantage, as a tool, facebook is a tool, but normally also a distraction. you need to constantly be thinking. like ive said before, this is issues in visual culture, and an issue is you need to be doing everything, anything, something, there is no later, the future is here and its moving past you fast.

if its an idea, great, go sell it, someone else will make it, is it something you have designed and want to mass produce, good go onto one of those sites that if enough people like it, you can go to a backer and get your design out there.
after all there is no later. there is now, and now goes pretty quick.

you have to make yourself global (remember simulcra though)
long working hours are the norm
no workplace politics, this is a new world and has very uncertain acceptable grounds
good at something? better than others? use that !
read- network
anylse - navigate
get the work out there
get your work in the correct places, key elements
write- represent
consume - produce
reproduce - create (get others to create it for you)
communication- collaboration
research - search
keep making until you find your style

these are simplified bullet points of things discussed in the lecture today that were the fundamental elements to making it in this new revolution.
Or at least the ones i managed to write down (we talk faster than i can write)

The find your own style really speaks to me though.
As i said the national curriculum would need changed as this digital industry doesnt allow for us to prosper 'in the box' meaning this whole kill the dangerous ideas thing, isnt working, it will fail, the curriculum should move with times and teach relevant information.
The creative industrys is booming but by the time the youth come to a point they have a chance to create, the creativity has been killed and it becomes difficult to get yourself out of the basics.

This is what i want to focus on, i want to get out of the box, and forget the basics, i want to create, find what im good at specifically, and exhibit myself to the extent i can make something of myself.

pop up businesses are todays money makers, unless you are already well established, this economy is not very loving towards you. get an idea? a product? now quick start, how to sell it, rent a space, not for long, make the money and move on to the next thing. This is the era of coming and goings, businesses appear and disappear over night.

At this point the future is very uncertain but its clear we have to understand and stay ontop of the technology to succeed, be prepared and not be left behind.


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