Claire Donnelly

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Post modernism Ideas that have been sparked

Ive been dissucssing what the class made me think, but not what some of these made me want to do.
clearly this whol expierence has been veyr motivating to build on my self as an artist.

Certain pieces of art have made mthink outside the box more, but of course i also realise anything i do is building something someone else has already actually done.

i thought of a photo diary, (which apparently has been done to death, even in the moving image form)
a bit like the sounds, i could bring myself back to a time and remember what i seen, what they made me feel or think.

then i thought further on those photo a day things that are quite popular recently (self portrait everyday for a length of time to show the difference in time etc) and figured instead of just photo for a length of time i figured i could deconstruct to reconstruct, like hockney. i could take all those photos and create one final self portrait made up of small portraits.

I got stuck on this digital self portrait because all this self obsessed post modernism talk has made me want to create something that shows it, but whilst finding me along the way.

I could record my random thoughts, the good the bad and the boring, different situations, tones and emotions, then have them along side moving image, and slowly the wors would create my face or name, or a choosen title.

This was inspired by the whole 'sound' post i wrote. where Dr McClure recorded places and times and collaborate them in a project.

Like theoretically with the internet we have the access to exhibit ourselves to well....everyone with internet. you can go global instantly with your work.

Our generation has access to open source!


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